Greetings again!
It's been a mad week, and real life and work have got in the way, but back to blog land we go!
One of the aims of Fall on Pell Mell!, apart from sharing my work and thoughts, inspiration and eye candy, was to drive forward my wargaming projects - the thinking being that if I started a blog, I'd need pictures to go on it, and that would keep me focussed on one project (maybe!) at a time.
So we come to Mauritzania. Some time before last Christmas, inspired to start a late 17th/early 18th century project, but knowing nothing about the Marlburian period, I created.......ahem..........discovered archives and documents relating to the small nation of Mauritzania. This kingdom - sadly now disappeared from history - lay close to the French border, in what is modern day Germany. Possibly.......
The documents 'discovered' tell of the events of the early 18th century, when the rulers of Mauritzania, the Royal house of Mauritzans, were undergoing something of a succession crisis. To describe briefly, Heinrich Rudolf XXIII (the previous ruler) has recently passed away, and left the throne to his legimate son, Heinrich Rudolf XXIV (the 24 H.R. Mauritzans of that name.....). This ascension has been challenged by the Count von Azder - the previous king's illegitimate son by an earlier ill-advised marriage, which was hastily annulled by the Mauritzanian Government. As a lasting quest to avenge his maligned and dear-departed mother, who died shortly after his birth, and in an effort to claim the throne he (wrongly) believes is his, Von Azder has rallied a rag-tag bunch of central European princes and dukes to his shady cause, with the promise of financial rewards from the lucrative coffers of Mauritzania should he be triumphant. An attack on Mauritzania is imminent!
Providing much experienced backbone to the invading forces, are two 'unofficial' French Regiments. Unofficial as Louis XIV couldn't possibly have anything to do with such a despicable cause........however the Sun King has an eye to the long game, and may have possibly nudged two malcontent colonels, the Comte de N'Etteau, and the Comte de Tescaux in the direction of Von Azder, backed by large purses. After all, every little helps......
So the scene is set. The Mauritzanian Border is on a state of alert. The whole of Europe is........er, completely unaware....... and the Comte de N'Etteau is on the march with his Regiment of Foot, moving steadily towards the time of invasion.
(Any similarity to the names of British high street supermarkets and food outlets, is purely co-incidental by the way.........)
The Comte de N'Etteau's Regiment practising field tactics. Even the Comte's dog, the unusually named 'Dai' (it's a Highland terrier) accompanies the Regiment on the march.
Mean while, over the border..... the Ensign of the Mauritzanian National Regiment boldly flies the flag, waiting, waiting.........'Green and Gold Forever!'..........