Hello! This month has seen a bit of progress on my TMWWBK Sudan project, with some of my civilians completed, and one of the British officers also painted up.
Mustapha Liiq
First up, is Mustapha Liiq - the local water carrier - who will inhabit the village that will be on the game table. He's a Redoubt figure I picked up at a Partizan show a couple of years ago. He's a nice figure, simple, but paints up well. I had considered trying to model a spout of water leaking out of his leather water bag, but this might have been a bit tricky. Instead, his name hopefully gives an indication that he's not exactly the best at his job!
Just how watertight IS that leather bag?!! |
Off to the well....again!... |
Next up, is Fatimah - the local village wise woman, who sees all, and says... not a lot! This is another Redoubt figure, bought at the same time as Mustapha. I wanted to paint her up in a slightly more colourful manner than just a stereotypically black or dark dress, so went for a nice blue, and homespun brown.
Fatimah the village woman |
Fatimah and Mustapha mull over the news of the Mahdi |
Finally for the Sudan project this month, is a Perry Miniatures British officer, from pack SB21 'Foot command in Indian service dress advancing and standing'. He was a really nice figure to paint - a bit fiddly, but well worth the effort.
Standing ready! |
'Stand steady boys!' |
With the weather improving in the UK, I've been able to get outside and take a few pictures. It is always nice to set up dramatic and atmospheric shots of my projects, and I have been looking forward to doing it with my Sudan war figures.
Moving up past the water hole |
Lurking in the Wadi |
Getting closer! |
View from the Mahdists! |
'Volley fire!!!' |
Off to war! |
Inspired by a tomb of their ancestors, the Mahdists move out |
I hope you like them! Next time, I'll have some more scenery for my Sudan project, and some small 'side-project' distractions, that I've also finished over the last few weeks. See you soon!