Yesterday saw the RAWgamers putting in an appearance at the new-look Partizan show, held for the first time at the Newark Showground. Having attended the show at Kelham Hall for many a year, I was intrigued as to how the new venue would work. The old-world character and atmosphere of Kelham has, of course, sadly gone, only to be replaced by......well, light! And air, and openness, and space and everybody all in one place. Judging by feedback elsewhere on t'interweb today, the move has proved to be a success, with increased footfall, people staying longer and really positive comments. Whether this is just a first-time 'boost' remains to be seen, but if this is the future, I'm all for it. A massive well done to Laurence, Richard and the rest of the 'Partizan/Irregulars/Newark' team, and thank you so much!
Before the mayhem started... |
On to the day. 'Somewhere in Scotland, 1650' made an appearance once again, this time in an enhanced format, with more figures (and sheep), and drew quite a few favourable comments. People popped by, and said hello, asking questions about the rules, terrain and figures. At one point Barry Hilton and Dave O'Brien dropped in - we just about resisted the temptation to ask them for a rules clarification! Dave's put some pics up on the League of Augsburg Fighting Talk Forum,, and they both said some very kind words about the game - cheers everybody! We had one chap who seemed very interested in Donnybrook as a set of rules, so hopefully we've spread the message, and judging by the laughter springing from the table, we certainly enjoyed ourselves. No, wait, correction......we had a blast!!!! Some pics, in no particular order...
New Model Army shot advance over the bridge...finally!!! |
The Covenanter dragoons spur into action... |
Plundering the chickens - but they're tough bu@*ers! |
Formed up for a volley - the chap at the back must be posing for the camera... |
Major Hawkins leads his men on... |
The New Model Army Musket have a target rich environment... |
General fun and hilarity... |
Tam McLeod makes a last stand... |
The Scots pike advance after an 'epic' journey to get over the ford
....moments later, only 3 survived after a crushing volley from the redcoats |
We managed to cram in 5 games, in 6 hours, with a 3-2 score line to the Covenanters versus the New Model Army. We used the 'Events' card for the first time, and it created some amazing moments, including unforeseen bogs, a desperate attack on some vicious chickens, a building setting on fire (three times! I'd check the insurance policy on that barn!), a Hero quitting the field, death or glory moments of one-man attacks on formed musketeers, some great use of the 'shadow' ploy (where you're allowed to look at and re-arrange the next six cards in the play deck in your favour), a feral creature - we used a highland cow - taking down one NMA pikeman, and quite a few passing showers of rain! Absolutely brilliant fun.
A massive thanks to all the usual gang - in no particular order, John, Alex, Luke, Neil, Jez and lastly, but by no means least, my card-shuffling wonder that is my wife Sam! Couldn't do it without you! I'm going to finish this project off over the next few months, and it will have a final run out at the 'Other Partizan' in August, then we'll be looking at something new. Thanks for the continuing support, and see you soon with more updates!