Next up is a piece of scenery - a well!. I picked this up years ago, from (I think) Monolith design, and it's been sat around for ages just waiting to be used. A quick undercoat of black, dry brushed in shades of grey, and green for the 'algae', and based up.....job done. Inside, there's a coat of gloss varnish over dark green/brownish paint to represent water. Small details, and all that.......
Finally, there's a Celtic Cross, picked up from Ainsty at the Partizan Show this summer - the 'Partizan in the Park'! This was an amazing show, and one which will stay in the memory for a while, not least because I got to take part in a fantastic participation WW1 game - 'Operation Gericht' - ran by Sidney Roundwood, alongside an old re-enactment chum and his kids. Here's the link to Sidney's excellent blog, and his Partizan game: http://sidneyroundwood.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/operation-gericht-at-partizan-2014.html
I've got a cross in my game, as straight away, it sets the scene for somewhere in Scotland, and it's one of those 'multi-use, multi-period' bits of scenery.....expect to see it fought over by Saxons and Picts, or Mediaeval Scots and English, at some stage in the future!
Last up are a few more pics of my NMA pike, alongside their 'activation card' for Donnybrook. These chaps are classed as Elite troops, so use a d10 for all their particular actions. They have a short sword, and a pike - which gives advantages in hand-to-hand combat. These pictures were taken in natural light, so appear slightly different. Apologies for the layout of my page - still can't get my head round Blogger's page design system. See you soon!