Hello all!
Apologies for being away for so long - 10 months is quite some time!
There has been much activity at Pell Mell Towers, though not on the painting and gaming front, and my lack of blog posts are certainly indicative of that! However,something far better has been happening, and September saw the arrival of mini-painter number 2, so with two small people taking up our time, life is very different! Massive hugs and love to the young fella - a potential opponent in a few years time - and big love to the Lady of the Towers, who did the hard work of carrying him for 9 months, and much of the hard work since!! His big sister loves hm!!
In other news, most of my painting and modelling 'stuff' is now packed away in boxes, as we prepare to put the house on the market and try and move. After having most of my modelling stuff around me for years, this is a very strange state of affairs and somewhat un-nerving. However, we'll press on, and hopefully 2013 will be a successful year in gaming terms as well!
Imperial Romans, painted up for WAB. They represent the Augusta Sebosiana (?), a cavaly unit based in Britannia after the invasion of AD43. These chaps could do with a quick revamp - they were painted about 5 years ago, before the age of proper matt varnish! Not bad though!
Foundry early Saxons - still some of the nicest figures the Perry twins sculpted. These chaps are based on individual bases, and represent the rear figures in a unit for WAB - single bases for casualty removal. The unit didn't get any further than this, though with the purchase of 'Hail Caesar' rules, they might get a recall to the warband next year...... we'll see. Still some of my favourite figures I have painted.
Here are some Foundry Egyptians - again work of the Perry Twins, and forming part of my WAB New Kingdom Egyptian Army. Different paint schemes, basing colours and scorched static grass - not bad! Again they need a new coat of slightly matter varnish, but still not bad. Another army desperately crying out for the 'Hail Caesar' treatment me thinks.......

However, I haven't been completely lazy over the last few months - some painting has taken place, and modelling as well! I'll try and get some pics up in the next few days, but since the last post I've been painting my French Napoleonic voltigeurs, Peninsular War buildings, making some dry stone walls, and generally being a bit of a butterfly!! Good news in some senses, not so much in others. Any how, 'til I get the photos done, here's some old work to keep people smiling - some Imperial Roman cavalry, Early Saxons, New Kingdom Egyptians, and finally the backside of the Comte de Tescaux' Regiment from my Mauritzanian adventure! All these figures are from Wargames Foundry, and have been painted over the last few years, and represent projects that 'never quite got off the ground'..... well that's about to change, fingers crossed!
2013 will see me focus on just two or three projects - definitely Mauritzania - more on that another time, my Napoleonic stuff (with possibly some variations), and my English Civil War collection. However, there is time for a slight, final distraction before the big push starts - something completely different....... a couple of late Mediaeval armies for the 'Basic Impetus' rule set!!! The butterfly will rear its beautiful head again briefly! And yes, I
still haven't got my head round laying out text and photos in Blogger!! Until next time - Keeeeeeeeeeep painting!! ( if only I could find my paints........)